I am still trying to determine if we actually make any money on the sale of eggs. I am quiet certain that if I factor in the hours spent cleaning coops, putting up protective fencing around my gardens, feeding and watering, caring for chicks etc. that my hourly profit is somewhere in the region of 3 cents.
However, sales are up.
So we recently bought 20 Red Sex Link pullets to assist in the demand for fresh eggs. As young pullets it is taking them while to get up to full laying production. We are now at about 15 eggs per day. That brings our total daily egg count to about 22-24 eggs per day. In theory, with 33 hens we should have 33 eggs per day, however the hens don't seem to agree with that theory! I am not counting our 3 young Americauna pullets as they haven't begun laying yet. Again, in theory that would bring us to 36 hens - providing they are hens as one is looking particularly roo-ish.
Layer feed is currently sold for $12 per bag, and we go through about a bag a week for all 36 hens. Wood chips are $6 per bag, and we go through one bag per week when cleaning out the coops. I am not factoring in the cost of oyster shells and scratch as they are free fed and seem to last longer.
At present, we break even if we sell all of our available eggs. I suppose this means that we get eggs for ourselves that are farm fresh, with the added joy of keeping chickens.
Someone really needs to tell the ducks to start laying. Currently, in my books they are freeloaders.
Great post! We have found that in the 'sale' of our extra pork, beef, eggs, chickens, we manage always to keep ourselves in free food. That seems to be the whole story no matter how we try to swing it. So I spend a whole lot of time justifying how our home-grown food is gold - milk, eggs, meat, veggies, fruit... Further, the more time I spend raising/growing food, the less our grocery bill is - plus I seem to be far more satisfied and less likely to hit the mall :) Anyway - we also find the Ameraucana's to be steady, daily layers - even in the dead of winter. Bless those little blue eggs! And keep on writing!