There is a certain thrill to sitting up high on the seat of a tractor, and cutting through the snowdrifts like a knife through butter.
I am sure that to my neighbours I look completely ridiculous, in my one piece insulated coverall, my balaclava, and my snow goggles. However this get-up has proven to be not only warm, but protecive in even the worst snow conditions.
I can complete our long snow covered laneway in two swipes, taking a little extra care to clear the end of the lane where the towns plow has helpfully piled snow in extra deep drifts.
Occasionally I get stuck, or I end up leaving the gravel driveway and hay starts spewing up from the chute, but with a quick flick of the wrist I make it right again and cruise along in my world of white.
Many times I have stopped to wonder at the beauty around me, the snow clinging to the pines and cedars like white icing. I marvel at how the birds still keep warm when it's minus 22 with the wind chill.
The old couple who used to own our farm shovelled the 2000 foot driveway by hand, and as the years went on, with a push blower. Wow. I have great respect for them.
Musings over, I put it into high gear and head down to the barns....there is snow to be blown.
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